VTAS Trail Challenge Series – Final Competition

Victoria Trail Agricultural Society
Trail Challenge Series 2022-23
*Final Competition*
Saturday, February 18, 2023

With: Clinician/Judge Roxanne Dewes
Location: VTAS Indoor Arena, Waskatenau
Entry Fee: $35 for VTAS Indoor Arena members, $50 for non-members

This year, we’re including a ‘Member Buckle Series’! To qualify for the buckle series, you must be a riding member of the VTAS Indoor Arena.

We have also added an open division for the general public, with great prizes up for grabs for all open divisions!

Important note: This final competition is open to anyone who participated in at least one of the previous 2022-23 trail challenges (held in October and November 2022).

Member Divisions

  • Adult (18+)
  • Junior Horse (5 yrs and under)
  • Junior Rider (17 yrs and under)
  • In Hand

Open Divisions

  • Adult (18+)
  • Junior Horse (5 yrs and under)
  • Junior Rider (17 yrs and under)
  • In Hand


Book one of the following time slots:

  • 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
  • 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

***Text Melissa at 780-283-0167 to book a time slot and register. E-transfer your entry fee to plaz@telusplanet.net and include your full name and division you are entering in the e-transfer description.


Each time slot consists of obstacle instruction and practice with clinician/judge Roxanne Dewes.

Please note, this is not a timed event. You will be judged on your horsemanship/partnership with your horse, as well as accuracy of each maneuver.

Points will be accumulated throughout multiple competitions, with this being the final competition, and an aggregate score will determine series winner.

Best of luck to all participants!

Awards Night

An awards night will be held shortly after the final competition. Stay tuned for more information coming soon!

Prize Sponsors

Shout out to Tower Tack & Western Wear and Advantage Training Stable for donating prizes to the VTAS Trail Challenge Series 2022-23.